











[紹介元] ポイント&フィギュアでFX 日足P&Fの状況:(09月26日)~(09月30日)

日足PampFの状況 09月26日

そうなんです。今考えても思い切ったなと思いますが、あれが全ての始まりでした。 私は結婚を機に仕事を辞め、専業主婦になりました。 そして2009年に第一子を出産。もともと子供が苦手だったので子育てには不安がありました。案の定息子が2歳になる前後くらいから子育てに悩み始めたんです。 ある芸能人ママの子育てブログをずっと読んでいたのですが、なんと大阪にイベントで来るという情報が!息子を連れて、久々に化粧をして会場の百貨店に向かいました。あの時のドキドキは今でも覚えています。終了後もずっと興奮状態でした。月〜土まで息子と二人っきりの生活をしていた私にとっては、こうやって外に出かけるということ自体がもう一大イベント。しかもずっとブログを読んでいて大好きだった憧れの芸能人ママに会えるなんてもう、たまりませんでした。その時に実感したのは、「ママになっても、こうやってドキドキしたり、ワクワクしたりする瞬間は必要だ!」ということ。イベント参加後は自分がリフレッシュできたこともあり、気持ちに余裕を持って息子と接することができて、こんないい効果も生まれるんだなと実感しました。

We analyzed a 165 year delta(18)O coral record from Ishigaki Island, southwestern Japan, and compared our results with observed sea surface temperatures, as well as with the East Asian winter monsoon and El Nino Southern Oscillation. Coral skeletal delta(18)O fluctuations were consistent with other available SST information since the 1890s. The coral delta(18)O data indicated abrupt shift toward cooler condition during 1900-1905, consistent with the extremely cold winter air temperatures observed in Japan in 1902. The cold event was also supported by coral Sr/Ca data. Development of the Siberian High may have intensified the EAWM at this time, in association with active heat convection in the tropics and weak westerlies. This cooling may also have been related to surface ocean freshening in the Ogasawara Islands in the early 20th century. Thus, several phenomena were uniquely coupled during the first few years of the 20th century in the northwestern subtropical Pacific. Citation: Mishima, M., A. Suzuki, M. Nagao, T. Ishimura, M. Inoue, and H. Kawahata (2010), Abrupt shift toward cooler condition in the earliest 20th century detected in a 165 year coral record from Ishigaki Island, southwestern Japan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L15609, doi: 10.1029/2010GL043451.

The impact of ocean acidification caused by the increasing atmospheric CO2 has been studied in marine calcifiers, including hermatypic corals. However, the effect of elevated pCO(2) on the early developmental life-cycle stage of corals has been little studied. In this study, we reared polyps of Acropora digitifera in seawater at pH(T) 6.55, 7.31, 7.64, 7.77, and 8.03, controlled by CO2 bubbling. We measured the dry weights of polyp skeletons after the 40-d experiment to investigate the relationship between the seawater aragonite saturation state and polyp growth. In addition, we measured skeletal U/Ca ratio to estimate their pH dependence. Skeletal weights of coral polyps increased with the aragonite saturation state and reached an apparent saturation plateau above pH 7.77. U/Ca ratios had a strong inverse relationship with pH and a negligible relationship with skeletal growth rate (polyp weight), suggesting that skeletal U/Ca could be useful for reconstructing paleo-pH. Citation: Inoue, M., R. Suwa, A. Suzuki, K. Sakai, and H. Kawahata (2011), Effects of seawater pH on growth and skeletal U/Ca ratios of Acropora digitifera coral polyps, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L12809, doi:10.1029/2011GL047786.

